Hello my friends! It is known that on Nova series locos,the weak point was the axle gears that after some time they used to split and therefore the locos had bad running along with noise and tremple... A friend of mine here in Greece used to split the wheels and replace the gear/cog with a new one. He cannot anymore find any of those gears as spare parts so,does anyone knows where we could find any? Or,is there another option,like a direct replacement from another company?
You can take spare parts from Hornby. You can find the product number on the spare parts list of the matching Hornby model.
A very good address for spare parts is Litcon (Arnold Ersatzteile). With him you can order Hornby spare parts. If you have patience he can be in his storage too search for Original Lima or Rivarossi parts.
APC Miniaturmodell in Germany sells replacement parts made of brass especially for old Lima-Nova models, which are apparently more durable than original Lima parts (prone to crack).